ANSI/ASA S12.9-2007/Part 5 (R2012)

ANSI/ASA S12.9-2007/Part 5 (R2012)

American National Standard Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound - Part 5: Sound Level Descriptors for Determination of Compatible Land Use American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America / 14-Nov-2007 / 20 pages

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This standard provides a method to predict sleep disturbance in terms of percent awakenings associated with the noise level of events in terms of sound exposure level (SEL). This standard was developed using field studies of behavioral awakening primarily in homes near areas of routine aircraft takeoff and landing operations. The database used in derivation of the dose-response relationship consists of more than 5,000 subject-nights of observations in a variety of communities in the United States.

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